The Power Of Gratitude

A field of flowers with pink and white flowers.

I have a ritual each morning of thanking God and the Universe for at least three things. It’s a small part of my morning practice, but one I never go without doing. Over the years, I’ve noticed I continue this practice throughout the day. I appreciate the beauty around me, I stop and smell the flowers (literally). I am thankful for the kind checkout person at my grocery store who always is so upbeat and positive. I appreciate the people I pass on my walk who smile and wish me a “Good morning.” These things may seem small, but when you stop to appreciate them, you will start to receive more of those instances in your life.

I’ve changed in profound ways since doing this exercise. I find myself in a state of constant appreciation now. In turn, synchronicities and opportunities come to me almost daily. So many that I started a journal to document them. Aside from this shift in overall happiness, there are actually seven scientifically proven benefits of being grateful.

  1. Gratitude opens the door to more relationships.
  2. Gratitude improves physical health.
  3. Gratitude improves psychological health.
  4. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.
  5. Grateful people sleep better.
  6. Gratitude improves self-esteem.
  7. Gratitude increases mental strength.

I encourage you to start this practice today. I know you’ll find you complain about the small things less and feel an improved satisfaction and happiness with your daily life. If you like to journal, try the Five Minute Journal on Amazon. Regardless of your situation in life, now matter how dire things are, there is always something to be grateful for.

Peace & Love xx

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