Overcoming excuses

A white wall with the words no excuses written in black.

Are you living a life of endless excuses? Making excuses is a sure-fire way to impede your success. If you’re tired of being stuck in the same situation, this article is for you. I’ll cover the five top excuses and some tips on how to stop this bad habit and start achieving your goals. So, read on and get ready to kick some excuses to the curb.


Is that really true? Have you ever heard it said, that if it’s important to you, you’ll make the time. It’s 100 percent true! So maybe it’s your goals that need to change. You should be inspired to reach your deepest desires. Whether it’s waking up a little earlier in the morning or limiting some activities that aren’t serving your end goal, we can all find some extra time to devote to whatever it is that is going to improve our lives. We may have to give something up, but the reward is worth the sacrifice. It’s all about prioritizing your life for optimal efficiency.


This is a big one! Behind many fears is worry about doing something wrong, looking foolish, or not meeting expectations – in other words, fear of failure. It is this fear that prevents the majority of entrepreneurs from chasing their dreams. Even though failure is a possibility, you shouldn’t let it stop you. The world’s most successful individuals have all failed at some point in their lives. But they didn’t give up. They chose to get back up and try again. It would be much more painful watching someone else chasing “your” dream and succeeding.


Lack of resources is the cause of many a dream left unfulfilled. There’s a long-standing belief that you need a ton of money to start a business. The truth is it’s nothing more than an excuse for avoiding a challenge. Even incredibly successful and wealthy entrepreneurs rarely self-fund a startup. In many cases, they seek out resources from friends, family members, and investors.

Today you can bypass this all together with programs that are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs launch, such as crowdfunding or Start Up Loans. Having the drive to succeed is more important than money.


We rarely think we are at the right age at the right time. When we’re in our twenties, we think we lack the knowledge and experience. When we’re in our forties and fifties, we think we’re too old. So when is the right time to pursue your goals? The answer is NOW!. While there can be disadvantages to both, there are an equal number of advantages to both. A quick Google search will show you people of all ages doing extraordinary things. Another excuse bites the dust!


The fifth most common self-imposed excuse is the idea that you don’t know enough to succeed. The reason for this excuse is a lack of confidence. It can cause a great deal of damage. Nobody has it all figured out. Steve Jobs would not have invented the personal computer if he waited until he figured everything out first. You don’t have to know everything to be successful. You’ll find people that can help offset your lack of expertise, and you’ll learn plenty along the way. A lack of knowledge isn’t an acceptable excuse for not doing the things you want to do. We all have to start somewhere.

Each of these excuses represents a limitation that we have placed on ourselves. You are the only one who can keep you from pursuing your goals and dreams. Find out which excuse you relate to the most, and don’t be afraid to let it go and try something new. Success is up to you. Chasing your passion will liberate you. And sharing your passion with others just may make the world a better place.

Peace & Love xx

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